Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Same Sex Marriages? Yes or no?

I've read some blog stuff on same sex marriages recently. It's interesting stuff and something I feel I should probably have an informed opinion on. There are lots of incredibly passion views both ways out there.

Firstly I don't think it's my place or my job to judge gay people. I don't really get it (well I do kind of get how lesbians can like girls cause I do), but they are people and deserve to be treated with love and respect like everyone else. I don't feel insecure about my sexuality, or find gay people threatening, I don't think they are going to bring society to it's knees, or anything like that. I don't like or appreciate overly overt gay people, but I feel the same way about overly overt heterosexual people too.

So what about gay marriage? I'm a little bit torn. My definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. But really I don't think there's a problem with broadening the legal definition to include same sex couples. I don't believe this will belittle the sanctity of marriage. That's being done anyway. Britany Spears for example, drunk Las Vegas Weddings, the ever increasing divorse rates all indicate there is little sanctity left anyways. The real reason I don't have a problem with it though is that it's really not my business. It's not my place to judge. God didn't die and make me the judge of everything.

One of the things that quite irritates me is some of the arguments either way, for and against gay marriage. There's it'll ruin the sanctity of marriage, it's immoral, unnatural, against God, against reproduction, etc. None of these are really good reasons not to allow Gay marriage, they are personal opinions. On the flip side numerous examples of how damaged or bad heterosexual married couples are doesn't provide a good reason why gay people should be able to marry.

Anyways, I think it is probably inevitable the way society is heading. And there lots more important things and issues to spend time on. I'll judge myself and let others judge themselves in this case.


Middo said...

You like to tackle the big issues...I like it!

This is quite a tough area, especially as a Christian. One of my best mates is gay and the 'christian viewpoint' is a big wedge in our friendship. I try and make it clear that I love him (as a mate of course, lol) and its not my place to judge...while at the same time pointing out that I do believe that homosexuality is against God's plan.

As for gay marriage, I strangely don't have a problem with it BECAUSE it is the 'law' that would recognise it. Gay marriage on earth isn't a problem, but it is my opinion that God would not recognise it. But I don't believe it is a Christians place to police what those who chose not to follow God can and can't do. I do believe we SHOULD stand up and voice our opinion, but at the end of the day God gives us free that is all we can do likewise.

As far as I am concerned being 'gay' is not 'genetic' or what God desires, and as such I will happily stake my claim saying it is against God. But I still am called to love those who are gay. Love the person, hate the sin kind of thing.

I think it is important for the church to stand up for its belief. If 'adultery' became the norm, or polygamy, the church could not just sit back and accept it. They could not start ordaining 'polygamous' pastors. BUT...while we stand up and say 'we don't believe it is God's way' I believe we also have to be gracious enough to allow people to choose their lifestyle...because it is them that will be judged for it, not us.

Anyway, I'll stop writing here and let someone else have a say:)

Dodgy Pete said...

;) I like to try and work out where I stand on the big issues.

I agree with you Middo, everone is entitled to their opinion, including the Church. I don't hink Churches should reject or excommunicate homosexuals, but they don't need to condone homosexuality.

I chatted with my brother about this yesterday. He isn't religious. I've now decided that from a social and legal point of view I don't think marriage should include same sex couples.

The reason for this "flip" is what is the point of marriage within our society? I think it has to do with families and having kids. It's a frame work to provide security (legal and financial) to children, wives and husbands. Families get tax and financial benefits. Why? Because it's in societies best interest to promote its members to have children for the survival and development of the society.

Now I've heard some people say that "not all married heterosexual couples have kids" so marriage isn't about having kids. I think these are the exception rather than the rule. Also more and more heterosexual couples aren't getting married these days, but living as defacto. So why can't gay people do this? Why do some want to get married so badly? If it's simply validation I think they're barking up the wrong tree.

Anyways, I've changed my mind. :)

Oh and middo, I agree about not judging people but being compassionate to them. I also believe too many christians judge others (who aren't christian) by christian moral standards, which doesn't make sense and is like comparing apples and oranges surely.


Middo said...

So what if the gay couple wants to adopt children?:P

I actually think children should have a mum and a dad to be well adjusted...but now many gay couples are raising children. If 'marriage' is about a stable environment to raise children...should gay couples be allowed to wed IF they are going to raise kids?

The very fact we have to have this argument in so many ways explains why God doesn't condone homosexuality IMO!

bek said...

I wonder what Bible you read sometimes pete.

Dodgy Pete said...

I don't believe gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. I think children have a right to a father and a mother and I personaly believe it's very important for children to have a significant male and female role model (i.e. mother and father) and see them interact healthily with each other.

So no I don't hink they should be able to wed if they have kids.

Marriage is an institution that is/was used to encourage families and provide them with security and rights in society. Defined as between one man and one woman. If we are going to change that to include anyone who "loves" someone else, then surely we have to legalise polygomy, etc. Why should 3 or 4 people who love each other not be allowed to get married??

Leave well enough alone IMHO.

And Bek ;) same Bible as you if you read the ASV or King James ;).

Fortunately or unfortunately which ever way you look at it we live in a society where religion and politics/law are separate. And I don't think we should judge others by our christian standards.

Anonymous said...

Cool blog :) I have enjoyed reading it, as well as the follow up comments. It's reassuring to know that other Christians around my own age think about the tough stuff as well.

It kind of makes me want my own blog but I think I am one of those people who would use it to procrastinate :)

I think that marriage is between a man and a woman. At the same time, I think that gay people are people too, and deserve to be treated with dignity/respect/etc.

Pete, I like the comment that you make about God "not dying and leaving me the judge" :) For me, that philosophy can be applied to a number of situations...kind of takes the pressure off us when we don't feel the need to be the judge all the time. Frees us up to love people.

Anonymous said...

Bring procrastination on! I now have my own blog :)

Dodgy Pete said...

Totally agree Jodie, and I'll check out your blog ;). Bring on the tough questions.