Monday, June 23, 2008

Sympathy to the McGrath's

For those who haven't heard Glen McGrath's wife passed on yesterday after complications in her fight against cancer. Very sad. She fought a good fight and has done lots of good for breast cancer. God bless the McGrath's at this time.

I was having a bad day yesterday. I'm normally very happy. What's there not to be happy and grateful for living in Perth? But I was finding it. Feeling sorry for myself and generally being a baby. I was very cross at God. Bitterly dissappointed sums it up well. I was dissappointed with him for his failure to communicate with me. I was also dissappointed with myself for feeling that way.

Anyway, I was about ready to give up and hit bed early and sulk when I heard about the McGrath's on the news. It brought me back to reality and helped me find some perspective. She finally lost a good fight. And there I was loosing without a fight, and without doing any good.

Back on track now.

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